How to create a bot
Step 1. Go to BotFather#
Follow the link: or enter the name of the bot "BotFather" in the search
Step 2. Send the command /newbot#
Send the command /newbot, to start the process of creating a new bot
Step 3. Follow the bot's instructions#
BotFather will start sending you step-by-step instructions, just follow the directions
Step 3.1. Choose a name for the bot#
This name will be displayed in the search results and in the header of your mini app. You can change this name later in the BotFather settings.
Step 3.2. Выберите username для бота#
Username is the link to your bot. It must end with "bot." For example: super_bot or SuperBot
Step 3.3. Go to your bot#
If you have followed all the steps correctly, BotFather will send you a message like this, which will include a link to your bot. Click on the link to start interacting with your bot
Congratulations! You have created your bot. Now you can further customize it, as well as connect your mini app to it.
Read here how to connect a mini app to a bot